The Flood


There are two events that explain why the world is no longer as ideal as the one God created: the Fall of Man and the Flood. After the Fall, death, disease, and fear appeared.
The Flood was God's universal judgment upon mankind, which had turned evil. After forty days of rain, it destroyed all but eight people. The Flood was not regional, but global in scale.
           Biblical arguments:

  • The size of the gigantic ark was capable of holding about 600 freight carloads of cargo, equivalent to a 6-kilometer-long train. The three decks spanned 8,900 m², which is one and a half times the size of a soccer field. The ark was an extraordinarily large vessel. If its purpose had been simply to save local wildlife, it would have been overbuilt.
  • The purpose of the ark: It took in a pair of every land-dwelling animal species. If the flood had been local, it would have been sufficient to move the animals to a safe area.
  • All land-dwelling life was destroyed.
  • The high water level covered even the highest mountains. If everything had been covered by water, it could not have been a local flood.
  • The flood lasted 371 days, with the water remaining very high for several months. The water level was the same across the entire Earth.
  • God promised never to send another flood upon humanity. God kept His promise; there have been local floods, but none on a global scale.
  • Arguments outside the Bible:
  • Flood traditions: Many peoples, independently of one another, have preserved the tradition of the Flood.
  • The ark's landing site: It landed on Mount Ararat, an area considered the cradle of civilization.
  • The oldest trees: The oldest living trees have approximately the same age, pointing to a post-Flood origin.
  • Sediments: Water-deposited sediments found worldwide suggest a massive aquatic catastrophe.
  • Fossils: Fossilized animal and plant remains found all over the world are also evidence of a global disaster.
  • Animal cemeteries: Animal cemeteries found in rocks around the world are further proof of a global event.
  • Riverbeds: Riverbeds worldwide are too wide for the current volume of water.
    Changes caused by the Flood
  • Climate: After the Flood, the water vapor canopy that had defined the previous climate disappeared. In its place, various climatic zones emerged, with extreme temperature conditions.
  • Human lifespan: The first ten patriarchs lived extraordinarily long lives, but after the Flood, the lifespan quickly decreased. The shortening of life, by God's will, can be explained physically by the disappearance of the Earth's water canopy and the resulting drastic climatic changes.
  • Oceans and mountains: Before the Flood, the percentage of Earth's surface covered by seas was likely smaller, and the mountains were not as high. The mountains of the lost world could not have been taller than 200 meters, as the Flood completely submerged them.

Werner Gitt "A teremtés bibliai tanúságtétele" Evangéliumi kiadó, Budapest, 1996