Methods of Creation

  • Creation method: out of nothing. The Creator creates out of nothing, bringing the non-existent into being. This applies not only to matter, for with God nothing is impossible. Visible things did not come into existence through a process of development from previous states of matter, but God called them into being without any prior conditions. (Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:3)
  • Creation method: spontaneously. God does not need long periods of time; creation is a spontaneous event. The completed result of creation immediately came into being at God's command. (Psalm 33:9; Psalm 148:5)
  • Creation method: by power. Power is also an essential characteristic of God, and is likewise a feature of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Their power is not directly evident, but is manifested through its effects: in resurrection, healing, and the transformative effects on humanity. We can measure the greatness of God's power through the created world itself; God is capable of controlling the elements. The unimaginable forces and energies in the cosmos were all released by God's word. God's power is immeasurable, inexhaustible, and beyond our comprehension. (Psalm 147:5; Isaiah 9:5)
  • Creation method: by the Word. The visible world did not come from imperceptible things, but from God's thoughts, through God's Word. Through the power of His word, His thoughts became visible reality, the created world that we can perceive. This Word is not a physical sound or a series of letters, but a person. This Word (Greek: logos) is Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus and the Word form a single great unity. Creation, therefore, occurred through Jesus, who, in essence, is completely the Word of God. (Psalm 33:6; Genesis 1; Revelation 19:13)
  • Creation method: by wisdom and counsel. The biblical expressions for wisdom and counsel correspond to each other. Jesus did not create according to principles based on chance (mutation, selection, self-organization). God and Christ are the source of all wisdom and knowledge. In the work of creation, therefore, we can discover the Creator's wisdom: the unimaginable richness of ideas and a high degree of purposiveness. (Proverbs 3:19; Psalm 104:24; Colossians 2:3)
  • Creation method: by will. God makes it known to us that the world and all life were created by His will. Creation happened because of God's will: He had the idea, He developed the plans, and He was the one who executed them. (Psalm 92:6-7; Revelation 4:11)                                                                      Werner Gitt "A teremtés bibliai tanúságtétele" Evangéliumi kiadó, Budapest, 1996