Living Without Lies
We are nearing the end. The complete intellectual misery overwhelms us, decay has settled into us, and we are crumbling as well. And we continue to grin cowardly. We have hopelessly lost our human form. For a morsel of food, we sacrifice our souls, all our principles, the efforts of our ancestors, the chances of our descendants, and only the remains of our tattered hides remain to save. Where is our perseverance, defiance, and civil courage? Let atomic death come, another world war, as long as we don't have to separate from the herd, as long as we don't have to act alone. The comfortable life matters, what do we matter? We can't break out of here anyway. But we can! We are capable of anything! We only lie to ourselves to calm our souls. We wait idly, thinking something will happen by itself?
If we all keep it alive every day, we won't free ourselves from it on our own, unless we eradicate its most sensitive point. The lie. Violence, heated by self-confidence, attacks openly, but soon exhausts itself and calls the Lie as an ally. Violence can only conceal itself with lies, and the lie can only rely on violence. Violence does not strike us every day, but the lie demands our humility to participate in it daily; we are already loyal subjects.
And this is the key to our liberation: not participating in the lie. Let the lie cover everything, but not through me! When people recoil from the lie, the foundation of existence is also destroyed. The lie, like a plague, only spreads through people. If we are not mature enough to boldly proclaim the truth, then at least we should not say what we do not think. This is our way, the simplest in the shackles of our inherent cowardice. Let us not support the lie. If we do this, we will be surprised how quickly the lie collapses. Everyone must choose: will they serve the lie, or start anew as an honest person, becoming worthy of their children's and peers' respect?
From this day forward:
- I will not write, nor sign, any word that, in my opinion, distorts the truth;
- I will not say such things in private conversations or in public, whether spontaneously, learned, or as an agitator;
- In my artistic works, I will not convey any recognized false thoughts;
- I will not quote, either in speech or writing, any guiding sentence just to please someone, to secure myself, or to succeed, if I do not fully share the quoted thought;
- I will not allow myself to be commanded to a mass rally against my will;
- I will not allow myself to be led into a rally where a distorted debate is expected;
- I will immediately leave any gathering, lecture, or cinema once I hear a lie or ideological propaganda;
- I will not subscribe to newspapers or magazines that distort information, hide primary facts.
A choice must be made. There is no escape for anyone who wants to be honest. Either truth or lie, either intellectual independence or intellectual slavery. And whoever does not have the courage to protect their own soul should not boast of progressive views. Let them say plainly: I am a cowardly worm, I only care about not being cold and not going hungry. Those who are lazy will even find this mildest path of resistance difficult. But this is easier than self-burning, even easier than a hunger strike. It is not easy for the body, but for the soul, it is the only possible decision. We must join those who have already taken this path. The closer we hold each other, the easier it will be to start. If we are thousands, no one will have the courage. If we are tens of thousands, we won't even recognize our country. (1974)
Alekszandr Szolzsenyicin "Orosznak lenni-vagy nem lenni?" Európa kiadó, Budapest, 2013