From God to God (2.)


Human reason itself is based on the irrational, on will and emotion, and is unable to prove the existence of a Supreme Reason, which itself would have to be based on the Supreme Irrational, the Universal Consciousness. It is precisely the manifestation of this Supreme Consciousness in our emotional world and imagination that leads us to faith in the living God. This God, the living God, our God, is within me, within you, within us, and we live, move, and have our being in Him. He is within us because we hunger for Him, because we long for Him, because He is capable of awakening desire for Himself within us. The need for a non-logical, irrational, personal, or divine world arises so deeply from the innermost being of man that those who do not believe in God believe in some kind of little god or demon. We hunger for the God to whom we pray, to whom we plead, to fill us with faith, to have faith in Him, to make us believe in Him, and to create Himself within us.

Such is the God of love: as for what He is, each person must inquire of their own heart and rely on their imagination. This God lives in us, was born with us, He is the principle of continuity in our lives, He is the principle of solidarity in every person and between all people, and between people and the universe, He who is a living person. If we believe in God, He believes in us too, and by this, He continually creates us. Essentially, we are one of God's thoughts, the thought of the living and self-aware God, the Consciousness-God, and without His community, we are nothing. We seek our own eternity in God, we await Him to make us divine. To believe in a living and personal God, in an eternal and universal consciousness who knows and loves us, is to believe that the universe exists for humankind. For humankind, or for a consciousness with human dimensions, one that knows us. It is not rational necessity, but vital anxiety that compels us to believe in God. To believe in God, above all, is to hunger for God, to hunger for divinity, to feel the lack and void, to want God to exist. And it is to desire the salvation of the universe's human purposiveness. Because one might eventually come to terms with the idea that God absorbs them, but only if our consciousnesses merge into one, if consciousness is the purpose of the universe. From the longing for divinity comes hope, from hope comes faith, and from faith and hope comes love; from this longing comes the feeling of beauty, purposiveness, and goodness.

Miguel de Unamuno "A tragikus életérzés", Európa könyvkiadó, 1989