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The Bible's one of the oldest books, the Book of Job, is classified among the so-called wisdom books. Its author could have been Moses, who wrote the story while staying in the land of Midian, or Job himself may have recorded the conversations.

The idea for the narrative dates back to 1889, making it a good example of Tolstoy's philosophical ideas on religion shaped in a literary work. The content of the work is as follows: In St. Petersburg in the 1840s, the commander of a prestigious guards regiment, Prince Stepan Kasatsky, unexpectedly retired to a monastery instead of pursuing a ...

The novel "Anna Karenina" seemingly presents a life story through which Tolstoy examines what life path leads to happiness. In the novel, Levin embodies Tolstoy's truth, not Anna. Anna seeks external happiness, while he explores internal paths. A man who reads the Bible, finding truth in the people's faith outside the church. He received the answer...



"I stand here. I can do no other. May God help me. Amen."



Examining the driving forces of history raises the following questions: Is world history the product of individual wills, or the aggregate of accidents? Who or what laws stand behind events? Does freedom or necessity prevail in history?

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