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Science does not make miracles impossible, and we can confidently examine the claim of Christianity that Jesus rose from the dead. The leaders of the Christian community based the validity of the gospel message on this claim from the very beginning. Therefore, if the resurrection can be disproven, Christianity will collapse.

One verse from the Gospel of John says: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

The Americans


The population of America grew from a quarter of a million in the 1700s to two and a half million by 1775. By this time, the majority of Americans were of English descent. In the second half of the 17th century, emigration from England slowed down, and the children of local English-American parents made up the majority of the English population....

The development of transportation in the 19th century is referred to by some historians as the "transportation revolution." This revolution was both a cause and a consequence of the market revolution.

President Woodrow Wilson became the world-renowned prophet of democratic peace, embodying morality in a world at war. He supported U.S. intervention in war settlements to ensure American leadership in peace negotiations.

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